Monday, October 25, 2010

Red wine is more beneficial to help prevent prostate cancer.

Researchers reported results from in Rats male feeding compound found in red wine, called "Forest Vera Electronics million" help mice with less risk to the prostate cancer by up to 87 percent also found that rat Where to eat Restaurant Vera Electronics million but still a cancer Have reduced the severity of the cancer. Rats and 48 percent found that cancer cells stop growing. Or grow more slowly when compared with mice that are not forest Vera Electronics million.

The results of this study strengthen the evidence that Received Vera Forest Electronics million from red wine has preventive effects on chemical In addition to a healthy heart. Earlier last year, the results from the same university also indicated that Vera Forest Electronics has to not only benefit men. But in women who received this material will help reduce the risk of breast cancer significantly.

Researchers now are studying whether people want substance Restaurant Vera Electronics million. How much amount to be sufficient to prevent cancer. In this study rats received the wine in the amount equivalent to the drinker of wine per day, a bottle doctors suggest that men should drink red wine on average per day, 2 glasses of women each day a glass, but if you want extra, you can find. edible fruit such as grapes, raspberries, blueberries or nuts.

10 Ways to spine care.

Human salary workers today takes an hour other. Working hard to sit back after the coil. And forgot to self-care behaviors almost exhausted. Affect the structure of the body. Spine, especially the pillars of the body. Is the nerve center of every line. Issued to control the operation of the body in every system. To make the body not being hurt by ignorance, or ignorance. Is there a way to avoid the risk of harm from the spinal Secret Shape Wellness Center (Secret Shape Wellness Center).

1. To laugh. Will weight down the bottom of either of the two As a result, bones bend

2. To sit crossed back over the scapula and the shoulder is extended from the rear to the front on the hook-shaped and stunted. Filed neck bones to the front. Affect the nerve supplying the arm. Hand may be weak or tea.

3. Humpback sit back bent in front of a computer, such as consecutive long hours to make outstanding muscle contraction. The congestion of lactic acid. Symptoms are fatigue, pain and bone deformities had a subsequent

4. The chair seat cushion does not fill the bottom. The back muscles have to work hard. Because the base of the narrow body weight.

5. Standing room falling weight with one leg. The stand should be a weight on the leg side and two equal standing with the legs wide as the hips will cause the balance of the body structure.

6. Phung stood bent / crooked Should stand after the match. Stomach pull slightly. To keep your bottom line not to bend the bone and prevent back pain.

7. Wears high heels over 1 inch will bend along the lower spine than usual. This will lead to back pain.

8. Affluent one-sided bag. Do not sling bag loud one consecutive time. Should change the bag. Using both the second side to equal just do not use all the loud one. It will have to work hard for just one piece. Resulted in a spinal curve.

9. Inches with carrying heavy objects frequently. Will result in a membrane based on the knuckle

10. To sleep curled up / sleeping in italics. You are prone before facing the most accurate. The head should lie in the plane. Pillow head, not hard or too soft. Should have a pillow under the knees to reduce the deflection of the lower spine. If you must sleep on one's side Find bolster by Kai Kai is all on the leg bolster To preserve bone in the vertical alignment.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sour milk is not the skinny.

Sour milk is a popular drink among girls who want to reduce the fear of fat weight. Both parents also bought him popular with the children to understand that drinking be useful as fresh milk.

Get drunk to understand that obesity is not well. Which is driven by advertising images of thin models using some Are invited to believe that drinking and skinny like a model.

Sour milk is a product derived from milk Fermented with the bacteria do not cause disease. Microorganisms are larger. And react with the sugar lactose. This is a natural sugar in milk. The lactic acid that is sour. Milk is a thick cream that is similar to other known types of yogurt, natural flavor. But in our popular fruit sugar syrup to connect. Or the liquid, then add sugar. Flavor and fruit yoghurt type drink. This is the most popular type.

However, yoghurt type drink very popular in the present. Most of the milk components, only 35-50 percent, and major types of yoghurt drink these Light, as well as the type made from skimmed milk. Mix sugar up to 80-20 per cent higher than the milk very sweet. High and quite similar to soft drinks.

"Sour milk 1 box (180 ml) has 3 teaspoons of sugar, some brands have up to seven teaspoons of sugar, while sugar is not recommended to eat more than 6 teaspoons per day, drinking sour milk 2 boxes a day is all quota already Do not have to wonder how much more you drink sour milk. Many times a day box Rather than thinner. To gain weight. Sour milk with sugar, because these high energy enough to taste fresh milk and higher than skimmed milk, but calcium, protein, vitamins and minerals other half. And do not expect to benefit from living organisms. Due process yoghurt type drink UHT Dead bacteria.

Understanding should not lose it, yoghurt helps thin Overweight people should drink skimmed milk. If drinking milk and abdominal discomfort, or would like to change the flavor some. Is to choose natural yogurt flavor. Or Plain yogurt would be better if people do not want to drink sour milk fat, select the type of cow's milk containing a high And low sugar.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Brown's good health.

"Brown is beneficial health. Beautiful grain white rice, but he took away all the good and then have people saying that poor people eat rice. We eat rice every day. This is our poor. "

Grain brown rice. Looks not pretty clear as white rice. But my camera ate it make you feel full faster and longer than full. Does not cause obesity. Because fiber-rich rice, and you Food value than white rice and milled. Some people may be familiar with a brown or red rice that Khgrysgoam hand, because in ancient times, people used to eat rice pounding own. Is called coarse rice But now we are using the machine rice. Switching is called brown rice, but no matter what they are called then. But have you the same health benefits.
Eating rice every day. Will help prevent anemia, beriberi process rice cooker is not anything complicated. But if someone does not cook rice may not be eating solid gems do not want to eat brown rice to make it again, it is a simple way to start. Keep foreign matter out of first. Sound and rice should be just. Only to prevent loss of vitamins with water from washing rice

To cook the rice. Must include the amount of water over the rice cooker. It is brown and white seed coat. Water absorption must be harder. Long cooking time. To save time, but should be soaked brown rice Cook for 5-10 minutes prior to cooking brown rice is soft and onion should be given.

Eating the rice. For those new eating habit may not feel stiff neck for a while but if eaten to feel that the more fragrant rice chewing for a long time It is a delicious sweet taste of white rice rather than national.
Tips for eating brown rice Another would recommend that there should be eaten while still warm. Because rice is soft. Eat brown rice and then cooked out. In the meal. Because rice is easy to spoilage than common white rice.
You were aware of this, who are deciding to turn to try to eat Brown, do not delay Come prove yourself available for global.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Dinner meal is dangerous. Death is a hand pay by installments

I do so not for long life and the answer is to eat the middle.The middle is eating breakfast and lunch + abstaining dinner.
We compared the car. Wake up prior to refueling. Or eating breakfast. Car to be run. Through midnight oil has not filled out once again the evening before bed, it is not out to prove the following. Suppose to eat eggs, boiled 1 egg big a yolk weight 50 grams of egg yolk with Claudia Leste The Coral 1 gram calories 9 calories, so 50 grams calories 450 calories is to exercise for this energy. The bike set up resistance to 1.3 kg. Speed spin ladder bike ride is 60 cycles per minute for 60 minutes, exhausted panting sweat soaked. Power consumption is only 300 calories egg leaves one unused.

Therefore, eat breakfast lunch dinner to energy remains of course. No need to refill Sleep because the body will lead to unused energy stored in the various liver function as this If a lot of energy left. Remove to storage in different places. Makes it very fat. Of course, if not all stores, especially the big fat. Will remain in the blood vessels. If you hold the more points. True smaller vessels it every day. Blood supply to body organs at all, it will drain more quickly or to speed up. If I blocked as if tons of the brain. Becomes disabled hemiplegia. If the obstruction to the kidney dialysis if kidney changes may have tons of leg amputation. If tons of the heart muscle. There would be no chance to say goodbye one.

The dinner is a meal that accelerate the deterioration of the early deaths and over again. Dinner meal is dangerous. Death is a hand pay by installments Even dinner a lot. ผnonsnong much more quickly if the dead do not eat dinner, it will slowly decline to slow long-lived
And do not eat dinner. Is to win myself a lot. If anyone can do to cut health and longevity, passion and commitment to high-concentrate better. Benefit both physically and mentally. But you have to train the bladder to the familiar
 How to train with Method 4.
 1. Gradually reduce the amount of dinner gradually Such as the reduced plate lunch from 2 to 1 1 / 2 plate some 3-4 months provided that after dinner, do not eat any food. Degongnegn except water. Chin enough stomach then reduced to a half-plate dishes. To eat but not eat it with. To eat fruits and vegetables. Finally, eat dinner.

2. A faster time to eat dinner from 8 pm to eat like a throw to move to 6 pm 5 pm 4 pm last evening eat.

3. To eat dinner instead of sweet basil seed. Use 2 tablespoons of sweet basil seed in a cup of soup, or add water and people drink immediately. Drink 4-5 glasses of water as the other.

4. Eat vegetarian vegetarian dinner. Eating vegetables, fruits, food is non-toxic No rest for the body to destroy food poisoning meat. Toxic treasure before it was removed out of the liver, kidney itself. The body has up to 18 hours

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Joint pain to eat apples.

          The good news of rheumatoid arthritis. If you eat apples avocados, fatty fish rich. And red wine. Reduce the rate of cartilage fracture. Chronic arthritis and slow down ...
Joint pain or not, try to eat the apple avocado-rich fatty fish. And red wine glass a day every day. It will also reduce any pain down.

          The researchers found the link between the food people eat into the level. Violence in joint pain, stating that apples avocado-rich fatty fish. And red wine. With anti-oxidants that help reduce cartilage fracture, and help Slow process of bone, chronic arthritis.            
          The rich salmon omega 3 fatty acids that help lubricate and cause inflammation decreased omega 3 to reduce the need to get any pain in the long run.          
          Newspapers, "Daily Mail" reported that in the UK. This research also suggest drinking lots of water 2-3 liters a day will help maintain the water level. And allow nutrients to the joints is a constant party.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Nuts lower cholesterol

Children with high cholesterol problems. Try to eat beans for a day because of the handful of more than 583 patients in over 25 clinics in the United States found that Just nuts, or about 68 grams per day, hand picked to help reduce bad fats in the body than 7.4 percent and reduce total cholesterol, 5.1 percent.

Sarah Jones Fri Butter nutrition experts. Department of Public Health. Lo Ma Linda University in California found that the beans have protein, fiber and unsaturated fat, vegetable fat, a lot. Who are all reduce total cholesterol.
Bad fats are large structures and low density. If you have a lot of problems would cause vascular obstruction. The good fats are high density forward sweep of the lost or fat back into the bloodstream to the liver, bile is transformed to the following sub-fat.