Researchers reported results from in Rats male feeding compound found in red wine, called "Forest Vera Electronics million" help mice with less risk to the prostate cancer by up to 87 percent also found that rat Where to eat Restaurant Vera Electronics million but still a cancer Have reduced the severity of the cancer. Rats and 48 percent found that cancer cells stop growing. Or grow more slowly when compared with mice that are not forest Vera Electronics million.
The results of this study strengthen the evidence that Received Vera Forest Electronics million from red wine has preventive effects on chemical In addition to a healthy heart. Earlier last year, the results from the same university also indicated that Vera Forest Electronics has to not only benefit men. But in women who received this material will help reduce the risk of breast cancer significantly.
Researchers now are studying whether people want substance Restaurant Vera Electronics million. How much amount to be sufficient to prevent cancer. In this study rats received the wine in the amount equivalent to the drinker of wine per day, a bottle doctors suggest that men should drink red wine on average per day, 2 glasses of women each day a glass, but if you want extra, you can find. edible fruit such as grapes, raspberries, blueberries or nuts.