Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Today we often hear the word. Gastroesophageal reflux disease - Gerd, a disease that came into force curve passing another top Gerd disease is a disease caused by acid reflux, or gastric juices into the esophagus up on the wrong part. Cause irritation. Eignpen feel a burning pain or chest. Tight feeling in the neck or chest. Similar to indigestion. This disease has many causes together. Whether it is too much weight. That there is more pressure on the abdomen. Therefore the more reflux. Stress and smoking will cause acid secretion out too much. In addition to sleep immediately after eating, it is the same. I agree that the silk. Reasons that cause acid reflux is. Habits of the people I ride itself. I have a means to revolutionize the old habits. From eating Dress and sleep. To correct reflux to leave.

1. Weight loss for people who are overweight. Because obese people have high pressure in the abdomen can cause acid reflux a lot.

2. Abstain because cigarette smoking causes more acid. The weak sphincter.

3. Wear loose. To reduce pressure on the stomach.

4. Do not sleep after exercise. Or lifting heavy after exercising.

5. Not eat 3 hours before bedtime.

6. Not eat any fried food it cooked with onions, garlic, tomato, chocolate, nuts 7. Candy, butter, eggs and foods that are spicy, sour and salt.

8. Im eating just enough. Share food or eating more small meals but often.

9. Avoid coffee, tea, soft drinks, beer, spirits

10. Avoid sleeping right side. Because this port is located above the stomach, esophagus can cause a relapse.

11. Sleeping head about 6-10 inches high on the leg bolster bed Do not use the pillow to the head.
Because the high pressure in the abdomen.

Despite a cure for acid reflux, or know how to relieve acid reflux, then even if it would exercise or use traditional ways of life. Not change the acid reflux, it will still come back to the same vicious and sure enough.

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