Saturday, October 9, 2010

How to eat less.

         There are currently many ways to choose healthy foods. To lose weight. Yourself, it may have to try several ways. But it did not work. This blog owner is cool strategy that can help. Although you may feel that you eat a lot. But the fact that you eat foods with fewer calories. Like me offline.
          All you have to do. Must have been eager to try this method will be discussed. To achieve real

  1. To eat during the day. As well as snacks to eat, do not try to strike a balance among any one group alone as you may eat snacks such as pretzel of powder you need to add butter, nuts and dried fruit into with Doing so. Allows you to eat slower. Moreover, the existence of fat and protein. Will give you full longer.  
  2. Try eating light meals 6 meals a day than eat. Three meals and one heavy meal snacks. It makes want to eat everything in its path by feel less hungry. Eating often is about 2-3 hours away from each other, makes the body's metabolism system works properly. Think of the body's metabolic systems such as fire If you enter a lot of firewood. Rather than stand and Technological Research. Turns out to be off more than delete it. If you throw a small branch and put it to rise and burn faster. 
  3. Need to eat breakfast. This is the most important meal of the day to eat. Praduh food intake fuel system to make your metabolism work. Find something that you have easy Offline, not just some coffee.  
  4. Before eating. To drink a large glass of water glass to drink before eating, not drinking during food Will make you feel full faster.  
  5. If you eat canned food. Or package with a lot You can find out about the diet composition. When you find. Fat or high calories. You may not want to eat. Then find something else.
  6. When buying a food classification. What is divided into several parts to eat at a time.  
  7. All meals using a small plate instead of Large. Plate of food will eat less.  
  8. Each plate of dip for vegetables, one-half. One-fourth with meat. And one in four with rice or bread flour.
  9. If you are familiar with the dish the second lap at it. To drink large glasses of water before meals. If not, choose to put small plates instead of dessert.  
  10. If so, good to drink water during the day. To drink milk in order to balance the other snacks during the coffee morning. To receive caffeine to a minimum. And only in the morning.

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